Hey, what’s up?

Hello, Yall, welcome back to the complicated entertainment Channel.

If you are new here, what is up with you?

Okay, I’m so glad you are here.

If you’re not new, welcome on back to the channel.

Um, yeah, welcome back.

U merch is down below in the description: complicated entcom.

Let’s get started.

First things first.

Um, it seems like ice spice.

Y’all, the album is coming up and it’s gearing up to launch pretty soon.

Um, she has dropped the official cover art for the album.

Okay, now, the cover art is cool, but like y’all know that um, deluxe version.

I’m sorry.

Y’all know the EP that she dropped back last year.

Okay, that EP she had.

Yeah, It’s the same variation of that.

I don’t want that.

Why is our album cover looking like our EP covers?

That’s not cute.

Okay, that’s what I’m saying.

Okay, um, now some of youall might say: well, that does, that doesn’t mean anything, that that doesn’t mean much.

It means a lot to me.


Because to me that means that she’s going to be on the same that she was doing before she dropped her album: the same type of song, same type of sound, same type of vibe.

I don’t want that, my spice.

Okay, um, so if your cover is given the same thing that you were doing last year.

I can’t help but to expect you’re going to be making the same music like you did last year.

You see what I’m saying.

So I think, personally, the best bet for her would be to just, I don’t know.

The cover kind of threw me off, though, cuz, I don’t.

Why am I seeing the same variation of your EP?

You know what I’m saying.

It’s just like weird, I don’t know.

Maybe I’m overthinking it.

Maybe I’m doing too much, but you know.

Maybe it could be some new music, maybe it could be a new Vibe, but I don’t know.

I just really want ice bite suit flourish and it seems like for the past, I’ll say year and a half.

It’s been the same thing over and over again.

You know the same Concepts, the same Vibe, the same.

It’s just been the same thing over and over again.

Okay and Lowkey though I feel like personally.

Um, I spice, I don’t know.

Maybe she doesn’t see a problem with it.

You know.

The thing about it is they always say if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

So maybe she feel like it ain’t broke.

Okay, maybe that’s just where she’s coming from.

Okay, maybe she feel like you know, it is what it is, okay, um,

But also me personally, though I feel like deep down theide, I feel like riots needs to leave ice spice.

Well, no, not leave, but just, you know.

Maybe not be on a few projects.

Okay, maybe not be on a few songs.

I want to hear her on a different light.

Okay, um, yeah, just like that, I want to hear her on some new, a new type of song.

Maybe get a new producer, maybe get Metro boom in here, maybe get um Acl, Jacob.

Okay, um, you know what I’m saying.

Sza - Low [REMIX] (ft. Doja Cat & Nicki Minaj) (Official Music Video) - YouTube

So I don’t know.

We going to see how that goes.

We going to see how that goes.

But then again, if she were to, you know, get a new producer.

It is kind of like sabotaging the person you came up with.

It’s like: oh, you think you better than me now, because you, up here now and like you, don’t want to do no work with me, no more.

It do kind of give that Vibe if she were to go to a new producer.

So I don’t know.

I do kind of feel like personally.

Um, you know, it is what it is, though, but I just don’t want her to be.

I do not want her to be on the same stuff.

I do not want her to be on the same stuff, okay.

So, yeah, we’re going to see how that goes.

Y’all, we’re going to see how that goes.

But, yes, let’s move on into this next topic.

Yall, okay,

Oh, Oh yeah, congratulations on your new album, though, ice, congratulations on your new album.

Okay, for sure, all right, all right child.

Moving on to this next topic, I’m going to go ahead, get into Khloe Bailey.

Um, as you all know, Khloe Bailey, she is, you know, still trying to find her place in the music industry, like she’s still trying to find her voice.

Um, she hasn’t quite found it yet, you know, she’s putting out all these little singles and all these little tracks, all these features, all these covers and remixes, but, like people, still don’t rock with her.

Like that, people just don’t.

They just can’t resonate with Chloe B. you know what I’m saying, um, but as of recently, Chloe Bailey has announced that she is dropping a new song.

Okay, and guess what, the song is a poppy Vibe, so that should be pretty cool to see.

Y’all, the song is a poppy Vibe.

Um, now, the snippet is out.

The snippet is out, but think about me, on my channel I don’t play music Snippets because I’m not trying to get copyrighted.

So if you want to hear the music whatever, you have to go on Youtube yourself and search it up, okay, or go on their Instagram pages and look at it yourself, cuz I’m not risking my account for some Chloe Bailey music, are you?

Are you kidding me?

Parkwood is not about to shut my down for Chloe, Billy Hell.

No, okay on myself, but no.

On a serious note, though, um, I think that this pop Lane is actually pretty smart for Chloe.

Um, you know, she was flopping in R&b,

Okay, she was flopping in the opera music she tried to do on her album.

She’s flopping in every, you know, alternative.

Yep, time to go to pop, okay, and she even dropped a trap pop record back in 2021 called have mercy.

Yall remember that song.

Yeah, have mercy was kind.

It was kind of poppy.

It was on pop radio, um, and it was like a trappy type of beat.

So you know, I think, you know.

She may, kind of, you know, just perform better with the pop aspects in her music.

You know, I think that’s kind of where she will flourish at.

Um, I think that’s kind of where she, you know, just does best at.

You know.

Um, but no, on a real note, though, I feel like, personally though, Khloe Bailey, she could be the next big thing.

I, I listen, I always feel like Chloe could be like a big artist, you know.

I just feel like she has the potential, just that y’all don’t give her a chance to.

Actually, you know, have that lane.

Y’all always are so critical of her, like y’all are so critical of new artists.

I always say this: y’all are so critical of her.

Um, like I said, though, people just can’t resonate with her.

People feel like she’s a gimmick.

People feel like she does too much.

People feel like she’s just not really like there, like she’s just not.

She’s not worthy of any success.

That’s what y’all be saying in the comment section, like, oh, y’all, dismiss Chloe Bailey like, oh, oh, Chloe Bailey, you know what I’m saying.

That y’all be dismissing her like, but me personally, I pay, I pay attention to her.

I’ve been paying attention to Chloe since since 2012, with her sister back when shoes on Disney Channel, for Let It Shine.

And next big thing, yeah, I’ve been tuning to them.

So that’s why I support them heavy, because I, oh yeah, like they, my girls.

Okay, um, but yes, what is your opinion of that?

Do you all feel like Chloe needs to go to um pop like she’s doing now?

Should she stick to that lane and become a pop girl?

Okay, instead of trying to be this R&B genius?

That just music sounds really forced?

I don’t know.

I do think sometimes her music, her music, does sound Forest.

I’m not.

I’m not saying Chloe Bailey herself is Forest, but I like, sometimes, like her, her music is like it’s like you’re trying to be.

You’re trying to go deep in music in terms of the subject matter, too soon, um, and I said that because you haven’t grasped anybody’s attention yet.

So if you haven’t grasped anybody’s attention, we don’t care about what you’re talking about your songs.

So you have all these deep songs and all these interes in meaning and everything like that.

But, like you know, we we need to get an attention grabber first from you, Chloe.

You know, I’m not saying you don’t make the the meaningful deep songs.

I’m not saying that at all.

But you got to have some songs that are like like attention Grabbers.

You know, real people in you know.

So have a single or two.

That’s just talking about random stuff.

Fun music, you know, cool, Co, cool, and then people can support you from that song.

Then hear your other like.

Oh she really talking some good stuff on this album.

You know what I’m saying, but trying to, like, just come out the gate with these deep songs, it’s, it’s cool, but it’s not going to really sell you.

You won’t really be marketable like that.

Um, if you know what I mean, you know what I mean.

Okay, let’s move on to this next topic.

All right child.

Moving on to this next topic.

Um, I want to go ahead, get into Nikki.

Um, you know Nicki Minaj.

She’s been doing her thing lately.

Okay, but as of recently, okay, um, there has been something quite interesting that’s happened to her at when her um recent outings last night.

Um, she was outside and the president of black music at Atlantic was trying to get her attention.

Okay, um, it was a scary moment because Nikki looked really worried and she just was almost, I would say, prayed on.

Okay, um, in case you all not know Mike Kaiser, he, you know, you know Atlantic, you know Atlantic has been trying to.

They’ve been trying to get her

And there’s even been rumors that Atlantic tried to take her out back in 2018.

Cas, I not know, but Nicki Minaj was on the set of Fifi- I’m sorry of um, the song with 69ine Kanye- dress me up like a dog, and that hit 69.

Yeah, um, I forgot the name of that song, but she was on the set of that song and her dress room got shot up.

Yeah, Okay, and that was back during the Atlantic Records era, trying to take her out.

You know, they sent REM to get her, you know, shut down.

They had cardi B propped up to be her alleged overtaker to overtake her career and take her spot like that, like it was, like Atlantic really is out to get her.

You know, and it’s just weird.

How like this is not a coincidence.

The man did not randomly just pop up there just because, no, he most likely was paid to.

You know, be creeping up with Nikki.

Okay, he was trying.

He was trying to get Niki attention last night.

I don’t know why, we don’t know why, but it was some weird energy going on, um that people have noticed.

Why is the president of a landing record trying to get your attention?

That’s weird, that’s scary.

It’s weird out in public with your husband.

That’s weird.

Okay, um, and Nikki, grab.

Nikki grabbed um Kenneth’s hand and said, let’s go like she like, pushed him like away from him.

Cuz, I think he was, Kenneth was about to actually confront him and say: hey, what are you doing?

Why you following us?

Why you?

I think he was about to confront her.

I’m sorry, confront him, but I think that Nikki didn’t want that to go down.

So you know, it’s just weird.

You always got to watch your back.

You know people are out to get you all the time.

Well, I’m not saying everybody, but you know.

Well, you never know, you never know, you never know.

Um, but you know, it’s just quite interesting to see.

Okay, it’s quite interesting to see.

Um, people in people on social media are just really concerned, like is like: what’s going on?

Okay, what’s going on, all right, why is this man-

Okay, president of black music of Atlantic Records, trying to get Nicki Minaj’s attention out in public?

Okay, that’s weird, all right, I don’t know.


But yes, that’s my personal opinion on that.

Y’all, we need to.

She needs to be protected all times, okay, um, she needs protection, you know.

But the thing about it is, God got us, God got her.


But yeah, moving on to the next topic, I want to get to something more interesting, okay, something more fun.

Um, Nicki Minaj has now officially sold out.

Okay, her 16th consecutive show at the Pink Friday 2 World Tour.

Um, and she has just sold out the Capital One Arena.

Okay, Aka a show I might be in attendance.

Um, and yeah, it sold out.

But am I surprised that it’s sold out?

No, I feel like every show will be sold out, will be sold out, every single show will be sold out.

Um, I just think that that’s just how it’s going to go.

Okay, uh, people be saying: oh well, um, I don’t know if it’s going to sell out, because you know people want.

No, it’s going to sell out.

All them excuses.

Y trying to put up it, it ain’t going to work, it ain’t going to work.

Okay, it ain’t going to work on my sell.

It’s not all right, um, but yes, what do you all feel about that?

How you feel about these shows just being sold out left and right?

Um, y’all thought she was going to flop.

Y thought, you know, yall thought the numbers was going to tank.

The numbers is going up every single show, every show.

The numbers are being sold out every time.

Okay, So you know I’m excited, I’m ready.

Um, I’m about to get ready now, but I had to get a little video in.

I’m like, hold on, let me get my video in.

First, I got to feed my peoples.

Okay, I got to feed my peoples.

They want a video.

I’m going to give you a video every day I’m like.

So, regardless of the day, regardless of what’s going on, it’s going to be a video on this channel.

Okay, all right, child.

Moving on to this next topic.

Um, it seems like there is some speculation going on that.

Um, there may be a mean the stallion in gorilla collab coming up.

Okay, all right, all right, all right.

Um, this is cool.

Um, you know, mean the stallion’s going on tour with her.

So I’m not surprised that it’s coming out.

Um, you know, but people feel like Megan estallion is using gorilla’s clout for promotion, for a tour, and using Gorilla for you know clicks and Views.

Now, I’m not going to lie to you.

Gorilla, technically, isn’t really the bigger artist here.

Um, Megan, technically, is a bigger artist, because you know, it’s just.

Megan is obviously bigger, but I wouldn’t think that.

I wouldn’t think that she’s using glorilla.

Okay, I think you know, like I always say, these artists link up to.

You know, get bigger sales, get bigger streams.

You know the these people are co-workers and when you have issues at your job, you know you are going to your fellow coworker asking you: hey, so what’s the?

What’s the memo on this?

Like, what’s the tea on this?

Like what’s going on with her?

What’s going on with this?

Like, let’s help me out real quick, help me, like you know, you do that with your co-workers, you know.

So that’s what they’re doing in their in their world of working.

Um, just helping each other out.

Um, but I don’t want to hear the song, though I’m sorry, I don’t know how the hell a gorilla Andag going Toop song is going to sound like I’m not hating on anybody.

Yall love to say I’m hating.

I’m just being honest here.

Um, gorilla sounds like a man and Megga sounds like a damn, I don’t know.

She just sounds very B. are you at the dentist?

What’s going on?

Like, like your teeth about to get pulled, like what’s what’s going on?

I’m confused here.

So you know, I don’t know how that sound with.

I don’t know how that you know.

Aio audio is going to sound.

Okay, it may sound a little bit.

You know Chopped and Screwed.

You know what I mean, um, but so they have a new song coming out.

They are also shooting a music video for the song.

So it seems like they’re going to get ready for that.

Um, Megan Estan and is coming out soon.

Okay, they may perform together on tour.

Okay, that that may be another speculation.

Um, you know, on tour, Megan alleged s out tour.

You know they love to put them headlines out like like it’s sold out, but I don’t think it’s sold out.

I feel like these headlines are paid allegedly.

That’s my personal opinion.

I’m not going to wake that tea up for real, for real, cuz, I don’t want to get you know people be mad, but I think that them, them headlines of Megan sold out it.

It’s not the most true to it.

I feel like they’re only.

They’re only giving out a limited amount of seat tickets.

You see what I’m saying: they’re only giving out.

Okay, we’re going to put out about 1,000 tickets today and then 1 th000 tomorrow

And they going to keep saying: oh, it’s sold out, it’s sold out, sold out, just to keep the people thinking that it’s sold out so people can buy.

You know, that’s a marketing tactic.

It’s called scarcity marketing tactic.

Um, it’s something that I do personally with one of my brands that I have.


Oh, I’ll say oh, like limited in stock.

Oh, only five.

Five in stock, you know, it’s like.

That’s how people like want to buy.

O, it’s sold out.

Oh my God, I got to get some more tickets.

That’s what they’re doing for Megan.

Okay, they’re doing the scarcity method.

Okay, that is, personally, what I think.

I could be wrong, though I could be wrong.

Okay, I could be wrong, I don’t know.


But yeah, let’s move on into this next topic.

All Right, Moving On, Moving On, Moving On, Moving on.

Um, social media has been talking about Drake and sexy red for the past, I would say a couple months now.

They’ve been linked up in the pictures for a while now.

Okay, so, apparently people for like people like Drake is being paid to promote sexy red.

Okay, um, they, like you know, they linked up in all these pictures together.

Somebody or some Source, somebody’s label or something, is paying to promote sexy red.

Okay, now, could it be sexy red paying Drake to promote her?

I don’t know, but they are definitely always linked up in the picture.

It looks a little bit suspicious now.

Okay, um, it looks really Su suspicious.

Um, and Joe Buon was the one who actually brought this Theory to light.

Okay, and Joe Buton, I don’t know if I agree with you, but I feel like there’s something that we don’t know for sure.

Cuz it’s like, why are they always post it up together?

Um, and guess what he literally be promoting.

Sexy red more than he promotes artists that he has signed on overo records, literally okay, that’s a problem, that’s a damn problem.

Okay, um, why that’s just weird.

Okay, people feel like.

You know this is the same thing going on with ice spice and Taylor Swift.

They feel like.

You know Taylor Swift is being paid to promote ice Bice.

You know they take these bigger artists, will take these newer artists under their wing.

You know we’re going to be taking pictures together, going to be out in these public events together.

You know, ice spice, Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl together.

Um, Drake and sexy R everywhere together.

Now, so it’s like just people feel like it’s a new thing.

Now, you know, but I’ve been told y’all, they linking up to get that promo, okay, linking up like co-workers.

But the thing about it is Drake has also, um, gotten her a special like pendant, like a necklace chain or whatever, and it’s like: why is she getting all this from Drake?

Like it’s just, it’s just, it’s just.

People are just confused, really confused, and I don’t know.

Okay, it’s just.

Maybe they have a good friendship.

Maybe you know, the Friendship is just a really good Bond, you never know.

Okay, um, I remember back in school.

You know people, people will be always together and stuff you know, have best friends, and people used be asking: are y’all dating?

And like you, really do not be dating them, y’all just be really, really cool.

You know what I’m saying.

So it’s like it could.

Just, it could literally be like that.

It literally could be like that um or whatever.

Um, But yeah, let’s discuss that down below in the comment section.

We can discuss it all down below, like I said, comment down below.

Now I dare you comment something.

Don’t be scared, the button don’t bite, okay.

Yep, Mhm, yeah, now you get to typing exactly that person.

Okay, Oh, you’re not done typing.

Okay, Okay,

Okay, okay,

I’ll let you type your rest.

Okay, that’s cool.

All right, let’s move on to this next topic.

All right, all right.


Moving on.

Moving on to Kendrick Lamar.

Um, Kendrick Lamar has recently, um, just gotten himself a number one on the B High 100.

This becomes his.

This becomes his third number one on the chart.

Okay, and this becomes his um first number one on the 2020s um generation for the um B 100.

Um, this is cool, this is great, but I’m surprised he doesn’t have more than that.

I’m surprised he only has three.

In my eyes, I feel like Kendrick Lamar is a Legend.

Um, I feel like he is definitely on that status.

Okay, um, now, I don’t know.

I think that Kendrick Lamar, um, no shade, people are saying: oh um, Drake is responsible for getting him this number one.

Um, I don’t know.

I don’t think so.

You know the song is genely, a good song.

Okay, it’s genely, a good song.

You know what I’m saying.

Kendrick is definitely an artist who can actually rap like he’s actually a goat.

Um, I’m surprised he hasn’t collabed with the, the queen of rap.

No Shay, why hasn’t Kendrick collabed with the queen of rap?

Um, I would have loved to see that on um Pf2.

Okay, But maybe they may have a collab coming out soon, I don’t know.

Uh, but you know, Kendrick is really talented and- and Kendrick is so unpr problematic as well, like he don’t really be in no issues.

I mean from what I know.

He be in he, he be out the way he makes his music.

He shuts up he and goes home, like you know, he gets his money.

You know it is what it is.

Okay, um, but


So I think this is great.

Um, congratulations to Kendrick.

Uh, I definitely you know, I rock with Kendrick, I love me with Kendrick and I love his recent album that he dropped last year.

Um, that wasn’t last year, that was 2022.

But yeah, the album is good.

Clock it, y’all, clock it.

Okay, it seems like Scor is making history, because, yep, listen, no, no, no, listen up, y’all, listen up, listen up, okay.

Scissors Sos is now the second longest running top 10 album by a black artist in billboard 200 history, only behind Michael Jackson.

Okay, Michael Jackson, okay,

Michael Jackson’s Thriller- this is crazy.

In about 10, 15 years s will be a legend.

If she continues on the journey that she’s on now, she will be a legend, but typically I feel like she’s going to go up.

It’s only up from here, and the reason why I say it’s only up from here is because siza has had a slow rise to like Aa status, like it was never like a overnight thing, like ice.

Um, I don’t think.

I don’t think ice is aist, but she’s up there, though, but you know, siza, it was a slow, long journey, and I feel like the slow, long journey is always so important to being successful and maintaining it.

A lot of people are.

They get discouraged when you know things aren’t working out immediately or things are taking too long- too long to become you know to see results.

That’s good you want.

You want that long, sweet, slow Journey.

You want to build your Empire Brick by Brick.

You don’t want your Empire to be built overnight.

Let’s say, a house was built overnight.

That is not.

It’s not strong, it can’t withstand anything.

But if you buil that house slowly, carefully, you align each brick and the foundation is nice and strong and you take years and years to grow.

Whatever you’re trying to grow, I promise you it’s going to be so much more worth it than having something that can be destroyed overnight because you didn’t take the time to properly.

You know, build it.

You know you want something you want.

People want fast success all the time.

No, that’s not.

That’s not going to happen for you.

I’m sorry, and fast success will leave as quick as it can.

So take the time, like Sza has been doing, and build your career slowly but surely okay.

Sza has played her role and she has played a role in terms of just being a good artist, and that’s why I’m proud of her.

You know you’re behind Michael Jackson.

That’s crazy, that’s great.

You know what I’m saying.

So I don’t think she’s going to fall off.

I don’t think she’s going to fall off.

She, she has built her career up so slow and so sweet and so organically that I can’t see her falling off ever.

You know what I’m saying.

So it’s only up from here for for siza.

So congratulations, Si, on your recent accomplishment.

I’m proud of you.

Okay, keep doing your thing.

Drop that D Deluxe album right now.

Or, El, I’m going get that belt.

Okay, and I’m and I’m going to give you something to cry about on myself.

Drop that Deluxe album.

All right, child.

Moving on to this next topic, I’m want to go ahead and get into sexy red.

Okay, okay, sexy red.

Um, sexy red is out here doing her thing.

Okay, um, she has actually became, okay, all right, a top seller for her new song.

Get It sexy, sexy Reds.

Um, get it sexy song.

Increase in Us unit sales in the second week of release.

Okay, earning is biggest week to date.

The song has over 111,000 sold.

Sexy red song is selling more than people’s albums.

That’s crazy.

That’s crazy to me.

Okay, um, I’m proud of her.

Okay, um, you know, the new it rap girls is changing all right, but only one of them remains in that top spot, though.

Always remember that, always.

Remember that, though, when I, when I say that always-

And you know you know exactly who I’m talking about- only one of them, woman, is going to be the the top forever.

But it seemed like you know the rotation of popping female rappers is constantly switching out.

You know what I’m saying?

Um, and, and sexy red seems like she’s up here doing it big.

Okay, that’s just.

I’m good, I’m proud of her.

A lot of y’all clowned her for her.

Um album sales when it first came out.

Okay, but the thing about it is you got to understand that’s a part of the process of having more sales on your next project.

Your album is going to give you more promotion when, when it’s done right, and your next project after that will be performing better than the prior project.

Because you know you’re putting out your work, you’re putting out your music.

So you know, I’m proud of her.


Um, people say she looks dirty.

I mean well, you know.

Two things could be true at once: successful and dirty.

You know it’s fine, um, but you know I’m proud of her.

She’s definitely doing her thing and you know it is what it is.

Congratulations, sexy, all right, Ch.

All right, all right, all right, um, that’s all I got for you in today’s video.

Be sure to leave a like comment and subscribe yep, mhm and tap the Bell so you can get an alert every single time a new videos posted and guess what I will see you in the next video.

Be safe.

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