Longlegs Trailer Finally Reveals the Plot! (Well, Sorta)

Neon’s marketing push for the upcoming horror movie Longlegs has been intriguing to watch. The clips released in the past were either vague, full of vibes but lacking in plot details, or laid out actual puzzles that they hoped people would work to solve.

LONGLEGS Trailer (2024) Nicolas Cage - YouTube

Until today! Well, kinda. The latest trailer for Longlegs gives us details on the character Maika Monroe is playing, as well as very strong clues (and maybe even a glimpse) of Nicholas Cage’s role in the film.

The trailer reveals that Monroe’s character is a “lady FBI agent” who admits to a child that it’s scary to be in her profession. She appears to have been called in to a case with a lot of dead bodies, and examines a letter left with the corpses that includes a coded language we’ve seen in previous marketing materials, as well as the word “LONGLEGS.”

Longlegs Trailer Finally Reveals the Plot! (Well, Sorta) - Reactor

The trailer also includes Monroe researching into the nine circles of hell and having her tell her FBI boss that the murderer in question (aka Nicolas Cage) will kill again. We also hear Cage’s warped voice in the trailer telling Monroe, presumably (though not confirmed), that he knows she’s not afraid of the dark, because she is the dark.

Longlegs Teaser (2024) - YouTube

That setup is reminding me a bit of Silence of the Lambs, but this is clearly a different beast, in part because Cage’s serial killer is never behind bars. The trailer also suggests that we’ll see atrocities unfold across different-but-connected timelines, which is disturbingly intriguing.

Longlegs is from writer-director Osgood Perkins. It’s set to premiere in theaters on July 12, 2024.

Watch Trailer: 

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