Cleopatra (2025) – Next Summer Release

Gal Gadot’s Cleopatra movie   is taking a long time to develop because the filmmakers want to portray Cleopatra’s story respectfully.
The film has faced controversy over Gal Gadot’s casting and accusations of whitewashing, but Gadot defends her casting and emphasizes the historical accuracy of Cleopatra’s ethnicity as Macedonian.
The upcoming film plans to focus not only on Cleopatra’s appeal but also on her strategic abilities and the impact she had on the world, with the goal of telling a story that is relevant to today’s world.

There has been a lot of news aboutGal Gadot’s Cleopatra   movie  , which have caused controversy and generated a lot of hype. The famous queen of ancient Egypt has appeared on screen many times before, but most famously was actress Elizabeth Taylor in the 1963 historical epic of the same name. The latest actress to take on the role of Mark Antony’s mistress was  Casualty’s Adele James in Netflix’s pseudo-docuseries  Queen Cleopatra  . However, it seems that the Egyptian queen’s story is having a hard time being told on screen without creating controversy, as the docuseries was panned by critics.

Wonder Woman actress  Gal Gadot announced via  Twitter  in 2020 that she would be teaming up with filmmaker Patty Jenkins (  Wonder Woman  ) and screenwriter Laeta Kalogridis to bring the story of Cleopatra back to the big screen, citing the importance of the story being told through a woman’s eyes. News of  Gal Gadot’s Cleopatra movie  was relatively scarce following this announcement, but has since resurfaced now that development is underway. Here’s everything known about Gal Gadot’s upcoming  Cleopatra movie  , including the cast, story, release date, and what’s got audiences up in arms.

The latest news on the Gal Gadot Cleopatra movie

En las últimas noticias sobre la película Gal Gadot Cleopatra , la actriz habló sobre los retrasos que han sufrido el proceso de desarrollo. Durante una entrevista con Flaunt , se le preguntó a Gadot sobre el estado de la tan esperada película biográfica de Cleopatra y, si bien su actualización fue prometedora, reconoció los retrasos. Según ella, la película Cleopatra de Gal Gadot está tardando tanto porque siente que la adaptación de la vida de una figura histórica tan reconocida requiere tiempo para ser representada con respeto. Gadot quiere de todo corazón hacerle justicia a Cleopatra y cree que el tiempo adicional necesario para explorar la historia de Cleopatra es una parte integral del proceso. Su cita completa se puede leer a continuación:

Es una gran tarea. No quiero apresurarme a hacerla. Es algo que requiere… mucha reflexión y cuidado porque se trata de Cleopatra. Tenemos escritores increíbles trabajando en el guión, antes y después de la huelga de guionistas, como Laeta Kalogridis. Es un guión hermoso. No nos apresuramos porque hay que ser responsable cuando se trata de una mujer tan increíble, icónica y legendaria.

Se confirma la película de Cleopatra con Gal Gadot

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Si bien aún no hay una fecha de estreno de la película Cleopatra de Gal Gadot, se confirmó que la película está en desarrollo. La primera noticia de la película Cleopatra de Gal Gadot provino de la propia actriz en 2020 y el proyecto ha estado estancado en el infierno del desarrollo desde entonces, enfrentando más complicaciones cuando perdió a la directora Patty Jenkins y se mudó de Universal Pictures a Paramount en 2022. Sin embargo, Gadot confirmó que el guion de Cleopatra estaba terminado (a través de Collider ) en 2021. Independientemente, Cleopatra no ha comenzado a filmarse, a pesar de que se publicaron una gran cantidad de imágenes promocionales.

El reparto de la película Cleopatra de Gal Gadot

Desafortunadamente, no se han publicado muchas noticias sobre el reparto de la próxima película de Gal Gadot y Cleopatra . Hasta ahora, el único miembro confirmado del reparto de la película de Gal Gadot y Cleopatra es la propia Gadot. Hay algunas cosas que se saben, al menos, sobre el equipo involucrado en llevar la historia de Cleopatra a la gran pantalla. Si bien Patty Jenkins estaba inicialmente destinada a dirigir, desde entonces se alejó del timón y se desempeñará como productora ejecutiva. Su reemplazo es la directora Keri Skogland ( The Falcon and the Winter Soldier ). Además, se informa que la guionista Laeta Kalogridis ( Shutter Island ) ha escrito el guión terminado.

La historia y las controversias de la película Cleopatra de Gal Gadot explicadas

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While there is no actual news from the Gal Gadot  Cleopatra movie  regarding the true story, it can be assumed that the film will chronicle the Queen’s place in Egyptian and Roman history as the lover of Julius Caesar, the wife of Mark Antony, and the ruler of Egypt. The story of the Gal Gadot  Cleopatra movie  will begin at an unknown point in the figure’s life, but will likely see her ascend to the throne following the death of her father, King Ptolemy XII Auletes. After marrying the Roman general Mark Antony, their forces in the Civil War between Pompey and Caesar were massacred by Octavian’s Roman army, and the couple committed suicide (via  Britannica  ).

There is no doubt that the news of  Gal Gadot’s Cleopatra film has been met with controversy  , in particular, for whitewashing its main character. However, like a similar controversy surrounding the  Queen Cleopatra miniseries  and its black protagonist (Adele James), the topic of race and Cleopatra adaptations is not a simple one. Many expected an Egyptian actress to take on the role of the Egyptian queen, however, Cleopatra’s own ancestry was not Egyptian. Historically speaking, Cleopatra was a Greek woman of Macedonian descent, coming from a long line of Ptolemaic rulers, and her reign preceded the Arab invasion of the region. There are rumors that her mother was of African descent, but this remains unknown. Because of this, a black Cleopatra received backlash for erasing the Greek queen’s own race (in  Queen Cleopatra  ).

While it’s no secret that Hollywood has been guilty of whitewashing a number of characters over the years, the news of the Gal Gadot  Cleopatra movie  declaring the film to have been whitewashed perpetuates a damaging misunderstanding about Gadot’s own background, as she is an Israeli actress of Ashkenazi Jewish descent. Gadot spoke about the  Cleopatra whitewashing controversy to  BBC Arabic  (via  The Independent  ), saying,  “First of all, if you want to be true to the facts, then Cleopatra was Macedonian. We were looking for a Macedonian actress who could fit Cleopatra. She wasn’t there and I was very passionate about Cleopatra.”

Other news about Gal Gadot’s Cleopatra  movie  shows that the actress promised to take a different approach to the story of Cleopatra  than her previous on-screen appearances. Gadot told  InStyle  that while the historical figure would still be portrayed as “sexy and attractive,” there would be a greater emphasis on her impact and strategic savvy.  “We’re going to show not only how sexy and attractive she was, but also how strategic and intelligent she was, and how much of an impact she had and continues to have on the world we live in today. I’ve seen all the Cleopatra movies throughout history, but I feel like we’re telling the story that the world needs to hear now,”  Gadot stated.


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