Best friend, this this right here, girl.

Oh okay, I will tell you something, best friend.

Welcome back to my channel.

If you are new.

My name is Sebastian and I spill pop culture tea every day, and I was not expecting this best friend.

I listen, you could have told me this straight to my face and showed me proof, and I would have been like: no girl, that’s not.

That’s never going to happen.

Will Selena Gomez and Justin get back together? - Quora

I am in shock.

I am in shock, best friend.

Okay, so, if you are new, I spill pop culture tea everyday.

Best friend, I am your new messy, best friend, and I still breaking news.

So, after so many years, so many years, all the people out there which it it, it blows my mind.

All the people out there were like Sebastian.

I want Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber to get back together.

When is Selena and Justin getting back together?

We want Jelina, we want Justin.

We want Selena.

We don’t want Haley Bieber in the picture.

We don’t want Haley.

Justin & Selena Very Much Back Together: "She Still Loves Him"

We want Selena.

Justin want Justin, want Justin.

It’s just been so.


Justin and I’ve been out here like girl.

Both of them moved on.

Leave them alone.

You know what I mean like.

Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez: Romance Can Be Saved If He Makes A Move  Before 2015 – Hollywood Life

I don’t want them back together until what happened last night.

Oh so, best friend.

So last night in in La, right, it was a very, very cold night, it was freezing and it was the night that Justin and Selena got back together.

Oh Lord, Oh Lord, girl.


So picture this best friend.

Sunday night, everyone cozy in their beds right in a cold L evening.

Okay, Justin and Selena run into each other in Beverly Hills.

Okay, now, if you guys didn’t know, Beverly Hills is one of the, the first location of the Cheesecake Factory.

It’s actually in Beverly Hills.

So allegedly they bump into each other right and Selina’s just coming out of doing some press for rare Beauty, for the new blushes, and Justin was literally buying some sneakers in in.

There’s this very huge store called Supreme.

All the celebrities buy their sneakers there, so they bump into each other and Justin says that you know, hey, you know me and and Haley, we’re actually we’re really good friends.

But we decided that you know it wasn’t going to work out.

So I’m single.

How about you and Selena’s like I’m with Benny?

You know this well.

Anyways, turns out, best friend, that he says, can, can an old couple, old friendships, go and have, you know, a nice lunch, a dinner?

So of course you know.

Sel know, she’s not a rude person, you guys know.

Check her resume, honey, she’s always been very decent.

So she goes, sure.

But, like you know, we only get brown bread.

So she calls Benny.

Cuz, she’s straight up, you know she goes.

Hey, hey, Ben Ben, I just ran into Justin.

He wants to talk, I’m just letting you know.

And Benny’s like, no problem.

And then Justin’s like: hey, Benny, how are you?

And then you know they they have like a nice, you know.

Agreement, that that is okay.

So they go into a, a, a private booth, right, go into a private booth and of course, you know, Justin orders his girl.

He orders his Arnold Palmer with more lemonade and more sugar around the rim, cuz, like he is just a sugar-free girl.

And Selena Gomez orders a nice peach iced tea.

So then they’re sitting there reading the.

You know the damn menus which you know.

Damn, they’re long, they could be an encyclopedia.

Okay, so many things.

There’s a skinnylicious menu.

There’s a real menu.

So Jus orders, of course, the cheeseburger, right, extra bacon, you know, no mayo, double mustard, right.

And then french fries fried twice.

And he orders a a cheesecake, right, he orders actually that strawberry, uh, D cheesecake, which is the vegan kind he orders that he’s like.

You know, you only live once.

And then you know, uh, Selena, she orders a jambalaya.

Okay, She wants something spicy, it’s cold out, you know.

So she’s ordering the jambalaya.

Then you know, Justin is is like, hey, Selena.

So you know, there’s just been so many rumors and I just want to know where we’re at.

You know, and like just you know, just want to feel the energy, Feel The Vibes.

So, as she’s talking, he starts, you know, drumming on the table.

Cuz, you know, I think he, you know he, he likes to, he always likes to be doing something.

So he’s just like

And she’s like, Justin, please stop, okay.

So Justin’s like.

I’m sorry, I’m just nervous, I haven’t seen you in a while.

And Selena’s like.

I know, it’s just, you know, been very busy.

And he’s like, yeah, man, talk about a girl, Queen, boss, you, you know, billionaire, you know, rare beauty is out of the.

You know, it’s a home run.

And Selena’s like: yeah,

Yeah, it is.

And she goes.

How are you?

And he’s like, you know, just straight, chilling and relaxing, my my friends, and you know my homies, you know, we’re all good, we’re all you know.

And she’s like, oh, that’s great, you know.

Say hi to them from, and he goes:

Oh yeah,

You know they’re going to love a shout out from you.

So then the Jumalia comes and then the burger comes and you know they start eating, and you know they start reminiscing, and you know when they were together.

And you know how Fame has changed.

You know Paparazzi and fans, you know.

And then you know she’s eating her jambalaya.

And then then this little girl comes up to them and asks for a picture for both of them, and you know they’re.

They’re very like.

Oh, we didn’t want to take any pictures, but of course the little girl’s name was Emily.

So then Emily is there, she’s taking a picture and she turns around and she goes.

I really love you guys, are you back together?

And then Selena and Justin is like: no, no, no, sweetie, we’re just friends, okay, Byebye.

Then little Emily leaves, and then girl.

Then um, the cheeseburger he’s eating, biting into the damn cheeseburger, right, and he, really, he has this Epiphany.

He has this Epiphany that you know.

He’s like you know.

I’m sorry if there was any, you know, drama between us, like you know man, like you know, it’s just the Dilo.

You know, we’re just two, two Flames that were separated at Birth, and you know there’s just like the atmosphere and the.

You know when it’s the Mercury retrograde of it all you know.

And then you know, just to add a little bit of the strawberry glaze into it, and then it just the.

The Rhymes weren’t tight, you know.

But you know, we just have to figure out the chemistry of the abundance, of the physics of the metamorphosis, you know.

And Selena is like:

Yeah, I do know.

And then cuz, a is smart.

Okay, a is smart, all right.

And then you know she’s eating her jumble, ey, and she goes: look, I have a really early meeting tomorrow.

And then he turns around and says: I don’t, but I have a question to ask you.

And she goes what Justin.

And she, Justin, turns around and he has a little bit of mustard right here.

Cuz, you know, he got extra mustard, cuz he didn’t like catchup, Oro, she’s wiping away his mustard, and he turns around and says: Selena, baby, I never wanted to let you go, but my heart, my heart is telling me, Selena, girl, why is he country?

My heart is telling me, Selena, that you’re the one and all the fans are right.

And he stands up up.

He stands up, the whole Cheesecake Factory is now looking and he stands up and he starts singing.

He starts singing a song he just made up and he goes.

Then the waiter comes out of nowhere with a guitar

And he starts sing s Selena, you’re my girl, Selena, you’re my girl.

Your eyes, your mouth, your bread, your face, your heart, your soul, you’re soul.

In the beautiful and everyone’s popping, you know, everyone’s like: yay,

Yeah, we love you, we love you, we love you.

Goes, Justin, that was really beautiful.

And, uh, you’re a very rare Beauty.

But, Justin, I just have to say three words for you to you, Justin, what are the odds?

You know what are the odds, Justin, I choose me who says I’m not perfect.

That’s it.

Then they walk out and then they scream: April Fool’s Day, girl.

I didn’t know where I was taking this story, that I didn’t know where I was taking.

I was like girl.

What do I invent next?

I literally

I didn’t even practice.

I was telling my husband I was like: oh, my God, I need to.

I want to do like an April fools.

But what is the one thing that, like?


You know, the world that we talk about is like the number one question that I could do on April fools day

And it’s Justin and Selena getting back together.

That’s like the only question I get on a daily.


So anyways, best friend, Happy April fools.

This was very intense for me.

I didn’t know where I was going with this, but, girl, I hope you enjoyed it.

Um, I you know I don’t necessarily love April fools, but I know that a lot of you guys do, and I definitely knew I had to do an April Fool’s Day thing.

But uh, best friend, I hope you enjoyed.

Obviously it’s so silly and you know- listen, they’re both in relationships.

I totally respect it.

I mean Justin and ha.

I’m not sure what’s going on there, but of course I respect both of them.

This was just for fun

And it’s just a question that I get over and over and there’s always so much speculation.

I thought I would have fun with it.

But of course I’m so grateful and thankful.

You guys understand that

And I’m 100% respectful of Selena and Benny’s relationship.

And well, Haley and Justin, that’s another story, but you know what I mean about that.

But of course you know this was just for fun.

April Fool’s Day.

Honey, all right, hope you enjoyed that mess.

I love you all so so much.

Thank you guys, so much for watching and I will see you guys in my next video bye.

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