Breaking: Shaq & Kenny Crown Stephen Curry as the NBA’s Most DANGEROUS GOAT!

Shaq & Kenny Debate if Steph Curry is in the GOAT Conversation | Inside the  NBA

In a bold proclamation that sent shockwaves across the basketball world, NBA legends Shaquille O’Neal and Kenny “The Jet” Smith officially crowned Stephen Curry as the “Most Dangerous GOAT” during a recent episode of Inside the NBA. With Curry’s unique blend of scoring prowess, leadership, and revolutionary impact on the game, Shaq and Kenny argued that the Warriors’ superstar stands alone in a category of his own.

The New Definition of “GOAT”

The “Greatest of All Time” (GOAT) debate has long centered around icons like Michael Jordan, LeBron James, and Kobe Bryant, but Shaq and Kenny took it a step further, focusing on what makes Curry a different kind of GOAT—one who redefines danger on the court.

Shaq, never shy about his opinions, laid it out simply: “Steph Curry is the most dangerous player I’ve ever seen. No one in the history of basketball has stretched defenses the way he has. You have to guard him from the moment he crosses half court! That’s dangerous.”

Kenny echoed the sentiment, adding, “Curry changed the entire landscape of the game. He made the three-point shot the most valuable weapon in basketball. No one else has done that. You can argue about the best player ever, but when it comes to danger—no one’s close to Steph.”

What Makes Curry So Dangerous?

Shaquille O'Neal makes a case for Curry to be in the GOAT conversation

It’s not just about numbers or even championships (though Curry’s four NBA titles certainly bolster his case). What makes Curry truly dangerous is his ability to transform the geometry of the game. His shooting range extends far beyond what any defender is comfortable with, and he does it with such consistency that it forces teams to rethink their defensive strategies altogether.

Kenny noted that Curry’s presence on the court creates “gravity,” pulling defenders toward him and opening up space for his teammates. “He’s like a walking offense,” Smith said. “You can’t leave him open for even a second, or it’s three points. And if you do double him, he’ll either pass or weave his way through to get a shot off anyway.”

Shaq’s Stamp of Approval

Coming from Shaq, a dominant force in his own right, the endorsement holds even more weight. “I was dominant in the paint, no question,” Shaq said. “But Steph? He dominates the entire court. People think they can stop him—until they can’t. It’s unreal how quickly he can change a game. He’s not just a great shooter; he’s the most dangerous weapon the league has ever seen.”

Shaq’s appreciation for Curry isn’t new, but this marks one of the strongest statements he’s made about the Warriors’ sharpshooter, officially placing Curry in the GOAT conversation based on his unprecedented impact.

A Legacy That Can’t Be Ignored

While Curry may not have the physical dominance of Shaq or the all-around versatility of LeBron, his mastery of the three-point shot has created a ripple effect that’s reshaped how basketball is played—from the NBA down to youth leagues. Players across the globe now aspire to replicate his deep-range shooting and ball-handling wizardry, making Curry’s legacy undeniable.

Kenny highlighted that Steph’s greatness goes beyond the stats: “It’s the way he’s made every team, every player, every coach change how they think about the game. That’s dangerous. That’s why he’s the most dangerous GOAT.”

The Final Word

Crowning Stephen Curry as the “Most Dangerous GOAT” doesn’t necessarily end the never-ending debate over who’s the greatest basketball player of all time, but it does acknowledge that Curry brings a unique level of fear and unpredictability to the game. His ability to score from anywhere, at any moment, combined with his game-altering presence, sets him apart from all others.

As Shaq and Kenny both made clear, Curry isn’t just rewriting the record books—he’s reimagining what it means to be the GOAT, with a level of danger that basketball has never seen before.